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about . archives . art . blog . collections . commissions . essays . fanworks . layouts . links . neighbours . shrines
who are you?
hi, call me dys. i'm the webmaster of overture. what i'm like is for me to (not) know and for you to (never) find out. i spend most of my time working on web projects, be it this site or the many others you can find here. i also like gaming, writing, music, art, creating things, helping people, and Marxist-Leninism. i like learning things, especially languages and lore.

why neocities?
i was inspired to make a neocities in part because i love coding, and in part because mainstream social media sites are becoming increasingly annoying to use. tumblr banned me multiple times with no basis, no email, nothing, and allowed me to be continually harassed-- along with many other trans bloggers, black bloggers, and palestinian bloggers. twitter is a hellhole, and instagram and tiktok overwhelm me. other alternatives, like mastodon, just don't have the same audience i connected with on tumblr. i don't want to be banned for being trans or talking about political issues, and i want a place to express myself without needing to deal with people on other platforms, or weird UI changes. i'm not partial to neocities specifically for any reason though, and i hope to be fully self hosted one day.

who's that anime chick all over the site?
that's the mascot.

who drew that chick on the left?
@volatilemask on twitter/tumblr. it's a commission.

well. what else? what next?
for me, creating. i make things, at the end of the day, no matter what, i will create. i don't always like creating, but i always hate *not* creating, more. i make code because that's the easiest outlet for me: methodical, uniform, and i can easily tell when something is finished. i make other art too, but it's harder. all art is hard in its own way, but oftentimes i don't have the motivation for hard things at the end of the day. so i make what i can, and i like doing it. i want to keep making things, collecting things, doing all i can to share everything with everyone. for you though, who knows?

i want to hear more about you, tell me useless things.
my self-insert disco elysium build is 4-3-2-3 with a signature in rhetoric. actual playstyle i like going with 4-2-2-4 with a signature in shivers. my favorite weapon in ultrakill is marksman/pump charge. patchouli knowledge is my favorite touhou character. i use windows and linux. my favorite band is ultramelanhool. i'm fluent in german, and currently, i'm focusing on (re)learning spanish. i also play bass and (acoustic) guitar. i also play magic the gathering. in the off chance you will die unless you know even more about me, check out the equivalent of my '#me' tag. or check somewhere else. i'm everywhere.